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    Newark, New Jersey 07103

Staten Island

Staten Island Fare's List

# City County Zipcode Round Trip Mileage To (Newark) fare
1 Anandale Richmond 10303 28 $60.00
2 Arbutus Richmond 10302 29 $60.00
3 Arden Heights Richmond 10310 29 $60.00
4 Bloomfield Richmond 10311 31 $60.00
5 Brorough Hall Richmond 10313 31 $60.00
6 Bulls Head Richmond 10301 31 $60.00
7 Staten Island Richmond 10314 33 $60.00
8 Castleton Cors Richmond 10304 34 $60.00
9 Charleston Richmond 10305 36 $60.00
10 Chelsea Richmond 10306 39 $60.00
11 Clifton Richmond 10308 39 $60.00
12 Clifton Richmond 10312 41 $60.00
13 Clove Lakes Park Richmond 10309 43 $60.00
14 Crooks Point Richmond 10307 46 $60.00
15 Dongan Hill Richmond 10303 28 $60.00
16 Egbertville Richmond 10302 29 $60.00
17 Eltingville Richmond 10310 29 $60.00
18 Fresh Mills Richmond 10311 31 $60.00
19 Fort Wadsworth Richmond 10313 31 $60.00
20 Fox Hill Richmond 10301 31 $60.00
21 Garretsons Richmond 10314 33 $60.00
22 Graham Beach Richmond 10304 34 $60.00
23 Graniteville Richmond 10305 36 $60.00
24 Grant City Richmond 10306 39 $60.00
25 Grasmere Richmond 10308 39 $60.00
26 Great Kills Richmond 10312 41 $60.00
27 Hugeuenot Richmond 10309 43 $60.00
28 Mariners Harbor Richmond 10307 46 $60.00
29 Memorial Hospital Richmond 10303 28 $60.00
30 Midland Beach Richmond 10302 29 $60.00
31 Mount Loretto Home Richmond 10310 29 $60.00
32 for Children
33 Mun. Ferry Terminal Richmond 10311 31 $60.00
34 New Brighton Richmond 10313 31 $60.00
35 New Drop Richmond 10301 31 $60.00
36 New Drop Beach Richmond 10314 33 $60.00
37 New Springville Richmond 10304 34 $60.00
38 Notre Dame Academy Richmond 10305 36 $60.00
39 Oakwood Richmond 10306 39 $60.00
40 Oakwood Beach Richmond 10308 39 $60.00
41 Old Place Richmond 10312 41 $60.00
42 Outer Bridge Park Richmond 10309 43 $60.00
43 Pleasant Plains Richmond 10307 46 $60.00
44 Port Ivory Richmond 10303 28 $60.00
45 Port Richmond Richmond 10302 29 $60.00
46 Princess Bay Richmond 10310 29 $60.00
47 Richmond Richmond 10311 31 $60.00
48 Richmond Hill Richmond 10313 31 $60.00
49 Richmond Memorial Richmond 10301 31 $60.00
50 Hospital
51 Richmond Valley Richmond 10314 33 $60.00
52 Rosebank Richmond 10304 34 $60.00
53 Rossville Richmond 10305 36 $60.00
54 Sailors Snug Harbor Richmond 10306 39 $60.00
55 Seaside Richmond 10308 39 $60.00
56 Seaview Hospital Richmond 10312 41 $60.00
57 South Beach Richmond 10309 43 $60.00
58 Stapleton Richmond 10307 46 $60.00
59 Staten Island Hospital Richmond 10303 28 $60.00
60 Staten Island History & Music Richmond 10302 29 $60.00
61 & Music
62 Staten Isl. Hist. of Arts Richmond 10310 29 $60.00
63 of Arts & Science
64 St. Andrews Church Richmond 10311 31 $60.00
65 St. George Richmond 10313 31 $60.00
66 St. George Hill Academy Richmond 10310 31 $60.00
67 St. Joseph By The Sea Richmond 10314 33 $60.00
68 Tomkinsville Richmond 10304 34 $60.00
69 Trottensville Richmond 10305 36 $60.00
70 Tzravis Richmond 10306 39 $60.00
71 U.S. Public Health Richmond 10308 39 $60.00
72 Service Hospital
73 Vourlezers Richmond 10312 41 $60.00
74 Wagner College Richmond 10309 43 $60.00
75 Westerleigh Richmond 10307 46 $60.00
76 West New Brighton Richmond 10303 28 $60.00
77 Willowbrook State Richmond 10302 29 $60.00
78 Hospital
79 Woodland Beach Richmond 10310 29 $60.00
80 Woodrow Richmond 10311 31 $60.00